Change The Outcome Health and Fitness
Hello, my name is Martin, and my goal is to make exercise and fitness as simple as possible while still maintaining it’s effectiveness. You have to put in the work, but you don’t have to do it alone. If you need help with your fitness journey’s this new year come check out my site at, and learn how you can get the body you’ve always dreamed of. Send me a message if you have any questions. Remember change is easy, changing the outcome to fit your goals is where we come in.
Instagram @Changetheoutcomehf down…
Instagram @Changetheoutcomehf down…

Our Instagram is has currently been disabled and we are working hard to get it back. This is pretty stressful but we are optimistic that everything will work out for the best! Does anyone know a good way to get a disabled Instagram back that has been disabled for no...

Sugar bad?

Sugar isn’t bad for you. Just make sure you stay within the calories you are given. If you don’t know how many calories you should be eating to reach your goals, feel free to ask! Feel free to like, follow, and share - Coach Martin #ctohf #caloriedeficit...

Weight loss simplified

How to lose weight. 3500cal = 1lbs of weight. Remember when you are trying to lose weight and calculating calories, calories lost from exercise does not mean you can eat more food. Don’t fill the extra deficit from exercise with more calories. On MyFitnessPal you can...


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